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Creating Templates in SendGrid for Use in LedgerLink


You can save a lot of work and more easily transfer the correct merge token placeholders by copying the provided html template text to a new dynamic template in SendGrid. These instructions show you how.

Create a Dynamic Template

  1. Login to SendGrid.
  2. Select Email API>Dynamic Templates from the navigation palette on the left.
  3. Click Create Dynamic Template.
  4. Enter a template name. For example, if you're creating a template for use with the Send Invoice PDF feature, name the template "Send Invoice PDF Template."
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click the new template in the list and click Add Version.
  7. Click Blank Template Select.
  8. Click Design Editor Select.
  9. Click Build at the top of the left-side panel.
  10. Click Advanced>Import Drag & Drop HTML.
  11. Copy the HTML Version template text from LedgerLink for the respective template. 
  12. Paste the HTML into the drop zone on the SendGrid Import page.
  13. Click Update.
  1. Click Refresh Templates on the Admin>Email Settings form.
  2. Specify which template will be used for each of the two emails. You will need one template for each of the emails.