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Charging a Credit Card

Using our Test Card Window

LedgerLink provides all the API scripting you'll need for obtaining a token and charging a credit card. How you use those APIs are up to you. We've provided a Test Card Window to demonstrate a method of building up the JSON object that is expected by the API.

Step 1: Run the "Test Credit Card Change with window" script

Complete all the fields in the Charge Credit Card window. If you'd like to simply test the functionality, QBO provides test card info in their developer documentation.

Step 2: Click OK

That's it. The Charge Card script will create a token for the card info, and charge the card. You'll see the JSON result. When "status" = "CAPTURED" you've succeeded!

Roll your own

You do not have to use our Charge Card window, of course. You may further customize the workflow for charging a card, perhaps integrate it with the Payment on an invoice workflow. However, never store credit card information in FileMaker! Always enter in global fields and clear immediately.